Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Io sono malata per 2 giorni

blegh. i'm sick and it's raining and Rome is depressing lately. 

On sunday i tried to go to a mall with some friends in attempts to buy cheap clothes but some trenitalia employee misinformed us and we ended up going to Tivoli instead where Hadrian's villa is. Tivoli was a stupid town. Everything was closed and there weren't very many things there. We did see a place where lots of homeless people hang out and an otter and a footbridge and some people that looked like they were trashy philadelphians. then we went back to Rome. 

I'm getting anxious to leave this city! The people all seem so miserable here. I think my general decision about Rome is that it is a good city to visit but not to live in. I spent a lot of time during my sick day re-reading some Rome guidebooks trying to find some places that i haven't walked around yet and I'm going to to try to go to those places by myself when I feel better.

My parents and brother are coming to visit soon and I'm excited. and i hope everyone voted for obama! my roommates and i have been watching msnbc.com all day and crossing our fingers!

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